I am really getting into the cleaning routines posted on the flylady's website, http://flylady.net. This site has really helped me get organized and motivated. I want to encourage all of you to check it out, especially if you are finding it hard to establish your own routines. I've been getting her emails since January, and, although my house is still not as clean as my mother-in-law's or my sister-in-laws ( I don't know how she does it!!), I feel like I am chipping away at it! The daily emails are motivating and keep me on track. The flylady has broken down our homes into 4 zones. She focuses on one zone each week, so as not to overwhelm us. She also sets monthly goals for you. Just today, I finally discovered some routines on her site that I'm going to post somewhere in my house to keep me on track, without forgetting anything (just in case I forget to check my email for a few days). I wanted to pass this on to you guys, but I still hope you'll check out her site (it is free to sign up and receive her emails).
The Flylady Routine
*Do one load of laundry
*Spend 15 min. in the current zone (she gives you these in the emails and on her homepage)
*Complete your weekly "blessing hour" (these are a quick list of chores to do in 10 increments. She says to complete them in one fell swoop or break them down into one or two a day). I'll list the chores at the end of this.
*Do one load of laundry
*Spend 15 min. in the current zone
*Water plants
*Do one load of laundry
*Do the "deep cleaning" chores for that week's zone
*Menu planning, grocery lists
*Checkbook maintenence, pay bills
*Do one load of laundry
*Spend 15 min. in the current zone
*Grocery shopping and errands
*Do one load of laundry
*Spend 15 min. in the current zone
*family time!!
*Rest time
The weekly blessing hour: (to be done at once or broken down over the week)
This is supposed to be quicky cleaning, since you spend more serious time in each zone of the house once a month. This is not supposed to be stressful! She suggests setting a timer for 10 min., and when it goes off, move to the next thing. Whatever you get done, is what you get done. Some people like to do this complete list more often than once a week (her site says some may prefer to do it Monday to recover from the weekend and Friday to get ready for the weekend.) Whatever works for you!
*Vacuum in the general walking areas (she says not to move furniture!)
*Quick mop (probably just main areas of kitchen, especially under table and around cooking areas...remember, you do deep cleaning later)
*Clean mirrors
*Get rid of old magazines, catalogs, or junk mail
*Change Sheets
*Empty Trashcans
Yes, I know there are seven things here, so I guess pick one to delete if it's not important to you, or take a little longer than an hour.
Hope this helps someone...I hope I'm not the only one struggling with getting it all done!
Angie Gets Organized
This is why I'm trying to get organized...for my family. I am a strong believer in family meal time, but I know that without a little planning, it will be hard to keep us all together. It will also be easier to spend money foolishly on prepared foods or fast food. I love trying out new recipes, so this is my site to pass on recipes, while also organizing them into a meal plan. I hope it helps you to keep your family together. I would love to hear what others are having for dinner, or see a new recipe or two! Feel free to leave me some feedback in the comments section...at least then I would know someone is reading this!
It's not gourmet...just good food!
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